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Texas Governor Warns State Universities: Nobody On Campus Is Allowed To Advocate For Genocide Or Antisemitism

via WFAA
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Texas Gov. Greg Abbott urged Texas colleges to avoid teaching social agendas and combat antisemitism on campuses.

He emphasized that business executives are not concerned about ideological bent in universities and wants to ensure Jewish students are not subject to antisemitism.

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Texas Gov. Greg Abbott, a Republican, told colleges and universities in the Lone Star State on Tuesday that they should avoid teaching students about any social agendas and should work to root out antisemitism on their campuses.

Abbott was speaking at the annual conference of the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board at the University of Texas in Austin when he warned universities that business executives are not interested in the social or political motivations of the academic institutions prospective employees attend, according to Fox 7.

Gov. Abbot highlighted that, “There’s been none of them who have asked me what is the ideological bent of what is being taught in our universities? How are students being indoctrinated?”

“They don’t ask that because that is not applicable to what they are trying to achieve when they hire an employee,” Abbott added.

The GOP-controlled Texas legislature had earlier passed legislation to shut down diversity, equity, and inclusion programs at public universities.

“You have a leadership responsibility, to ensure that there is no one on your campuses that are advocating for genocide or antisemitism. It is completely unacceptable in the state of Texas, period,” declared Abbot.

“If we have university leaders who are so hinged to ideological concepts, where they are unable to say what is and what is not antisemitism, what is and what is not; attempts at genocide. Then we have educational institutions that have lost their way as it concerns what their mission is,” explained the Texan Republican.

“Drifting from your core mission. It’s not only exposing your universities to extraordinary condemnation like what some Ivy League schools have been subject to,” charged Abbot.

“You’re causing us if you do it, to drift away from what our real core mission is, and that’s to keep America the number one country in the world,” encouraged the governor.

Abbott wants professors to focus on education instead of pushing social agendas.

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