The Army’s recruitment of white soldiers dropped by almost half in the last five years, coinciding with efforts to increase diversity.
The decline led to the Army missing its 2023 recruitment target by 10,000.
While black and Hispanic recruitment remained relatively flat, their percentage increased due to the decline in white recruits. (Trending: GOP Rep. Mace Clashes Directly With Hunter Biden At Hearing)
An Army official reportedly told, “There’s a level of prestige in parts of conservative America with service that has degraded.”
“Now, you can say you don’t want to join, for whatever reason, or bad-mouth the service without any cultural guilt associated for the first time in those areas,” the officer continued.
A decrease in white recruitment has reportedly “baffled Army staff and isn’t easily explained by any one particular factor.”
Economist Nicholas Eberstadt said, “Men have been in trouble in the workforce for two generations.”
“The greatest risk of being a labor dropout is being a native-born, low education, unmarried guy,” he continued.
“Like with any other big historic change, it’s kind of hard to attribute to a single magic bullet,” added the economist.
Some Army officials attributed the drop in white recruitment to factors such as criticism of “wokeness” in the military, obesity, and public education.
The article noted that the decline in white recruitment has baffled Army staff and is not easily explained by a single factor.
Additionally, it mentioned wider statistics showing a decline in white men in the labor force and at civilian universities.
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