The FBI has been ordered to turn over material related to the death of former DNC staffer Seth Rich to Attorney Ty Clevenger.
However, the FBI has stated that it does not intend to comply with the court order.
Left-wing reporters and others have expressed concerns about the situation, with allegations that the FBI is defying the court order to protect the Democratic Party. (Trending: Trump Responds To Biden’s Bombing In Yemen)
The FBI intends to seek reconsideration and clarification of the court’s determination, and the plaintiff has proposed specific records to be produced.
Clevenger said, “Just when I think the FBI can’t get any more arrogant or lawless, there’s this from the Seth Rich case. Can MSM reporters like @oliverdarcy, @AndyKroll, & @Isikoff finally admit that none of this passes the smell test? That maybe they got duped?”
Political activist Kim Dotcom commented, “The FBI goes rogue and defies US Court order to turn over Seth Rich evidence because it would destroy the Democratic Party.”
The FBI wrote, “FBI intends to seek reconsideration and clarification of aspects of the November 28, 2023 Memorandum and Opinion (Dkt. #136) Specifically, the FBI intends to seek reconsideration of the Court’s determination that Seth Rich’s work laptop, the DVD, and tape drive (collectively referred to as the ‘Work Laptop’) are agency records subject to FOIA. The FBI will also seek reconsideration regarding the portions of the order requiring the FBI to prepare and provide indexes or produce metadata.”
Brian Huddleston, the plaintiff, wrote, “The FBI should produce all metadata (including file names) from the work laptop, the DVD, the tape drive, and the compact disk within 21 days of the Court’s order. The metadata could be extracted within a few hours and perhaps a few minutes. SeeDeclaration of Yaacov Apelbaum (‘Apelbaum Declaration’)(Exhibit 3), ¶4. As explained below, there should be little or no need for human review of the metadata.”
In addition to information about Mr. Rich’s murder, Huddleston requested:
• Emails or communications exchanged with any representative of Wikileaks, including Julian Assange;
• Emails or communications exchanged with eBay or any representative of eBay;
• Emails or communications regarding any eBay transaction;
• Emails or communications exchanged with Pratt Wiley or discussing Pratt Wiley;
• Emails or communications exchanged with John Podesta or discussing John Podesta;
• Emails or communications reflecting conflict among or between Seth Rich and any of his co-workers or supervisors;
• Emails or communications reflecting conflict among or between Seth Rich and any other person;
• Emails or communications containing threats of any kind (e.g., termination of employment or bodily harm) to Seth Rich; and/or
• Emails or communications that contain the term “pizza.”
This has raised questions about why the FBI is going to such lengths to shield information about Seth Rich.
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