UFC champion Sean Strickland expressed strong political views during a news conference, criticizing Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and the “Freedom Convoy” protests.
He also engaged in a foul-mouthed rant about homosexuality and transgender issues, calling out a reporter’s political stance.
“Let me tell you something right now,” Strickland said.
“If a man says he’s not going to say it, like, if you ask a motherf—–, ‘Did you vote for [President Joe] Biden?’ and he’s like, ‘Well I’m not gonna say — that’s none of your business,’ he voted for f—— Biden,” he said.
“This is what I’m talking about, guys. The enemy. The enemy of Canada,” he said.
“Let me ask you something, are you gay? … No, are you gay? … Well no I’m asking you, this is a part of it, are you a gay man?” Strickland said.
The reporter said he was “an ally of the community.”
“OK, if you had a son and he was … gay, you’d be, like, ‘Oh, man’ — you don’t want a grandkid?” Strickland pressed.
“No problem with it,” the reporter said.
“Oh, man, well, dude, you’re a weak f—— man, dude,” Strickland said. “You’re part of the f—— problem.”
“You elected Justin Trudeau. Like, when he seized the bank accounts — like, you’re just f—— pathetic. And the fact that you have no f—— backbone as he shut down your f—— country and seized bank accounts, you ask me some stupid shit like that?”
“Go f— yourself. Move the f— on, man. F—— coward.”
“Here’s the thing about Bud Light,” he later said. “Ten years ago, to be trans was a what? A mental f—— illness. And now all of a sudden people like you have f—— weaseled your way into the world.”
“You are an infection. You are the definition of weakness. Everything that is wrong with the world is because of f—— you.
“And the best thing is, the world’s not buying it. The world’s not buying your f—— b——- you’re f—— peddling. The world is not saying, ‘You know what? You’re right, f—— chicks have d—s.’ The world’s not saying that.”
“The world is saying, ‘No. There are two genders. I don’t want my kid being taught about who they can f— in school. I don’t want my kid being taught about their sexual preference.’”
Strickland continued, “This guy is the f—— enemy. You want to look at the f—— enemy to our world? It’s that motherf—– right there.”
Strickland is set to fight Dircus du Plessis at UFC 297.
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