President Biden is deeply unpopular on economic issues among key voting blocs according to a recent poll.
Only 38% of women approve of his handling of jobs and the economy, while 53% disapprove.
This includes 40% who strongly disapprove.
Biden also sees low approval ratings overall among women, with just 37% approving versus 58% disapproving.
His ratings are even worse on inflation, with only 29% of women approving and 64% disapproving, including 48% strongly disapproving.
On immigration, just 27% of women approve while 58% disapprove, including 44% strongly.
For women, inflation, immigration, the economy and healthcare are the top issues, with inflation ranking highest at 23% and considered very important by 80% of women.
Biden’s weak economic leadership could hamper his reelection chances given his reliance on women voters in 2020.
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